European climate model simulations

European climate model simulations

Project reference: 1711

The project aims to familiarise the successful candidate to use efficiently the High Performance Computing system ARIS in GRNET and optimize his/her application in the field of regional climate modelling. A hindcast regional climate simulations will be performed over the European domain in coarse resolution (0.44 degrees) with the use of the regional climate model WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model).

Mean winter (DJF) temperature for the time period from 1990 to 2008 as simulated by the regional climate model WRF.

Project Mentor: Dr Eleni Katragkou

Site Co-ordinator: Ioannis Liabotis

Learning Outcomes:

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to learn how to use the GRNET HPC system ARIS. The awarded computational time for the project will be used for the performance of regional climate model simulations.

Student Prerequisites (compulsory): 

Good experience in the use  of WRF software.

Student Prerequisites (desirable): 

Background in natural sciences (atmospheric physics) and basic use of visualization tools (e.g. IDL, matlab, R etc)

 Training Materials:


Week 1: basic training

Week 2: training in the use of WRF in HPC GRNET

Week 3-7: performance of regional climate model simulations – including benchmarking

Week 8:Final report

Final Product Description: 

The final product will be a dataset of regional climate simulations (netcdf format) and some associated graphical representation of it that will be created in collaboration with the student undertaking the second proposed  project.

Adapting the Project: Increasing the Difficulty:

A set of benchmarking simulations will be performed to investigate the potential of the model to optimize in ARIS HPC.


The required software is the numerical model (WRF) which is already installed in HPC.ARIS. Post processing tools and libraries are as well available (cdo, netcdfetc).


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Greek Research and Technology Network and Biomedical Research Foundation

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