PRACE Summer of HPC 2017 Participants

  1. Mr. Anton Lebedev, Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Matrix Computation on P100 GPUs, BSC, Barcelona, Spain
  2. Mr. Aleksander Wennersteen, Monte Carlo and Deep Learning Methods for Enhancing Crowd Simulation, BSC, Barcelona, Spain
  3. Mr. Adrián Rodríguez Bazaga, Apache Spark: Are Big Data tools applicable in HPC?, CC SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
  4. Mr. Andreas Neophytou, Calculation of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties, CC SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
  5. Mr. Petr Stehlík, Web visualization of Energy load of an HPC system, CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy
  6. Mr. Arnau Miro Jane, Web visualization of the Mediterranean Sea, CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy
  7. Mrs. Dimitra Anevlavi, Development and validation of real-time earthquake hazard models, EPCC, Edinburgh, UK
  8. Mr. Sam Green, Interactive weather forecasting on supercomputers as a tool for education, EPCC, Edinburgh, UK
  9. Mr. Jakub Piotr Nurski, Online visualisation of current and historic supercomputer usage, EPCC, Edinburgh, UK
  10. Mrs. Edwige Pezzulli, Visualizing European Climate Change, AUTH/GRNET, Athens, Greece
  11. Mr. Mahmoud Elbattah, European climate model simulations, AUTH/GRNET, Athens, Greece
  12. Ms. Ana Maria Montero Martinez, El-Nino: It’s periodicity and impact on world weather, ICHEC, Dublin, Ireland
  13. Mr. Jamie Quinn, Radiosity in Computer Graphics, ICHEC, Dublin, Ireland
  14. Mr. David John Bourke, Visualization of real motion of human body based on motion capture technology, IT4Innovations, Ostrava, Czech Republic
  15. Ms. Shukai Wang, Performance visualization for bioinformatics pipelines, IT4Innovations, Ostrava, Czech Republic
  16. Mr. Philippos Papaphilippou, Cude colors on phine grid, JSC, Jülich, Germany
  17. Mr. Antti Oskari Mikkonen, Hip, hip, hooray! Get your 2-for-1 GPU deal now., JSC, Jülich, Germany
  18. Mr. Konstantinos Koukas, Accelerating climate kernels, UCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark
  19. Mr. Alessandro Marzo, Tracing in 4D data, UCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark
  20. Mr. Jan Packhäuser, Parallel algorithm for non-negative matrix tri-factorization, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  21. Mr. Paras Kumar, CAD data extraction for CFD simulation, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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