PRACE Summer of HPC 2017 Participants
- Mr. Anton Lebedev, Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Matrix Computation on P100 GPUs, BSC, Barcelona, Spain
- Mr. Aleksander Wennersteen, Monte Carlo and Deep Learning Methods for Enhancing Crowd Simulation, BSC, Barcelona, Spain
- Mr. Adrián Rodríguez Bazaga, Apache Spark: Are Big Data tools applicable in HPC?, CC SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Mr. Andreas Neophytou, Calculation of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties, CC SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Mr. Petr Stehlík, Web visualization of Energy load of an HPC system, CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy
- Mr. Arnau Miro Jane, Web visualization of the Mediterranean Sea, CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy
- Mrs. Dimitra Anevlavi, Development and validation of real-time earthquake hazard models, EPCC, Edinburgh, UK
- Mr. Sam Green, Interactive weather forecasting on supercomputers as a tool for education, EPCC, Edinburgh, UK
- Mr. Jakub Piotr Nurski, Online visualisation of current and historic supercomputer usage, EPCC, Edinburgh, UK
- Mrs. Edwige Pezzulli, Visualizing European Climate Change, AUTH/GRNET, Athens, Greece
- Mr. Mahmoud Elbattah, European climate model simulations, AUTH/GRNET, Athens, Greece
- Ms. Ana Maria Montero Martinez, El-Nino: It’s periodicity and impact on world weather, ICHEC, Dublin, Ireland
- Mr. Jamie Quinn, Radiosity in Computer Graphics, ICHEC, Dublin, Ireland
- Mr. David John Bourke, Visualization of real motion of human body based on motion capture technology, IT4Innovations, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Ms. Shukai Wang, Performance visualization for bioinformatics pipelines, IT4Innovations, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Mr. Philippos Papaphilippou, Cude colors on phine grid, JSC, Jülich, Germany
- Mr. Antti Oskari Mikkonen, Hip, hip, hooray! Get your 2-for-1 GPU deal now., JSC, Jülich, Germany
- Mr. Konstantinos Koukas, Accelerating climate kernels, UCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Mr. Alessandro Marzo, Tracing in 4D data, UCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Mr. Jan Packhäuser, Parallel algorithm for non-negative matrix tri-factorization, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Mr. Paras Kumar, CAD data extraction for CFD simulation, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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