Unfinished creative work?

Unfinished creative work?
Screenshot of the live website.

Two months of this summer have passed by very fast. It is the end of my Summer of HPC project and thus the end of my adventure in Scotland. However, is it the end of this project for sure? I’m going to go back to Poland to continue my studies and job. My mentor told me that someone at the EPCC would take over the results of my work, develop it and try to push it into the production servers. I’ll try to contribute to the development by myself in my spare time because I hope that this visualisation tool will be completed and used by EPCC workers.

What has been done?

My first post explained the idea of the whole project. My second post was about the selection of the best technological stack. In this post, I’ll try to address my experience with the chosen framework – Angular. I’m not super satisfied with the outcome of my work, but somehow I’ve managed to finish it at all.

Angular is known for its modularity. Web app developed in this framework is a root component composed of different components. The great thing is that the JavaScript community is coding generic components which are later on published on public repositories. I’ve used two customizable components from NPM – Node Package Manager: ngx-charts and ng2-nouislider. I’ve also encountered the worse part of the JavaScript community – lack of documentation and sometimes a mess in the code. However, it led to my first accepted pull request on GitHub, so it turned out well!

Uglified JS code accidentally printed by one of my friends.

I’ve combined these two components, customise them for the needs of this project and include my own, hand-tailored to the specification components. The slider component was a bit trickier because the API of a pure JavaScript slider wasn’t moved to the Angular component. Therefore, I had to resign from pips below the slider. There was no way that my pull request with necessary changes will be accepted before the end of a summer.

HPC service arrived at unit

Other great features of Angular are services. A service is used when a common functionality needs to be provided to various modules. For example, we could have a database functionality that could be reused among different modules. And hence you could create a service that could have the database functionality. It also allows for the use of dependency injection in your custom components.

Dependency injection is an important application design pattern. Angular has its own dependency injection framework, and you really can’t build an Angular application without it. It’s a coding pattern in which a class receives its dependencies from external sources rather than creating them itself.

Due to our lack of back-end server, I had to preprocess the usage and jobs data on the front-end side. Therefore, I coded an Angular service that aggregates, sums, averages and manipulates data in a lot of ways. After that, I’ve “injected” it into the chart component. If EPCC staff ever implement the back-end that will do the same things but on a server, then they will just have to swap that service into an HTTP service which communicates with a server.

Video presentation

There is a video presentation created by me for this project. It is uploaded to YouTube:

Website spotlight

You can check the website live on the following GitHub page. However, do not be surprised by the example data. It’s dummy data generated for the purpose of this project.
The code is also available on my GitHub repository.

Screenshot of the live website.

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