Apply 2019

Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centers across Europe. Up to 22 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate. Participants will spend two months working on projects related to PRACE scientific or industrial work and ideally produce a visualisation or video of their results. The programme will run from July 1st to August 31th 2019. At the end of the programme, two best participants will be awarded for their contribution – there are awards for Best Performance and for HPC Ambassador.

Flights, accommodation & a stipend will be provided to all successful applicants; all you need to bring is your interest in computing and some enthusiasm!


Applications are welcome from all disciplines. Previous experience in HPC is not required. Some coding knowledge is a prerequisite but the most important attribute is a desire to learn, and share, more about HPC. A strong visual flair and an interest in blogging, video blogging or social media are desirable. Applications are open from 18 January 2019 to 25 February 2019.

Eligibility for the programme

The following eligibility apply:

  • Applicant must be studying at a European Institution at the time of application.

  • Be late stage undergraduate student and/or masters student.

  • Be over the age of 18.

  • Attached latest CV.

  • Have the minimum prerequisites outlined by projects.

  • Be able to pass the Code Test.

  • Student selects at least 2 projects of their choice.

  • Recommendation returned before the deadline.

  • Final year students will be accepted as long as they are registered with a European institution at the time of application.

  • Project preference for placement in the same country is not supported!

More information can be found in the FAQ


To apply you will need to complete an application form and provide us with a copy of your CV, reference and code test.

You should receive a confirmation email immediately. If you don’t receive confirmation within a few hours, please get in touch.

Application Form

The application form is available online at

By clicking Submit, you agree to have accepted our Privacy Policy.


Project IDProject TitleOrganisationCountry
1.Analysing effects of profiling in heterogeneous memorydata placement
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Spain
Reproducing Automated Heterogeneous Memory Data Distribution Literature Resultsand Beyond Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Spain
3.High-performance machine learning Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia
4.Electronic structure of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties: The code optimization
Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
5.IN SItu/Web visualizatioN of CFD Data Using OpenFOAM CINECA Italy
6.Anomaly detection of system failures on HPC machinesusing Machine Learning Techniques CINECA Italy
7.Parallel Computing Demonstrators on Wee ARCHIE
United Kingdom
8.Performance of Python programs on new HPC architectures EPCC United Kingdom
9.Task-based models on steroids: Accelerating event driven task-based programmingwith GASNet EPCC United Kingdom
10.Using HPC to investigate thestructure and dynamics of aKRAS oncogenic mutant Greek Research and Technology Network S.A Greece
11.HPC application for candidate drug optimization using free energy perturbation calculations Greek Research and Technology Network S.A Greece
12.Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deep Learning Methods for Matrix Computation on Advanced Architectures Hartee Centre – STFC United Kingdom
13.Scaling the Dissipative Particle Dynamic (DPD) code, DL_MESO, on large multi-GPGPUs architectures Hartee Centre – STFC United Kingdom
14.Dynamic Deep Learning Inference on the Edge Irish Centre for High-End Computing Ireland
15.Distributed Memory Radix Sort Irish Centre for High-End Computing Ireland
16.Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Formula Student Car Using HPC IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic
17.Object Detection Using DeepNeural Networks – AI from HPC to the Edge IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic
18.Good-bye or Taskify! Jülich Supercomputing Centre Germany
19.High Performance Lattice Field Theory Jülich Supercomputing Centre Germany
20.Encrypted volumes for PCOCC private clusters SURFsara Netherlands
21.Large scale data techniques for research in ecology SURFsara Netherlands
22.Visualization schema for HPC gyrokinetic data University of Ljubljana Slovenia
23.Industrial Big Data analysis with RHadoop University of Ljubljana Slovenia
24.Energy Reporting in Slurm Jobs University of Luxembourg Luxembourg
25.Performance analysis of Distributed and Scalable Deep Learning University of Luxembourg Luxembourg