Submarine Computational Fluid Dynamics

Submarine Computational Fluid Dynamics

Project reference: 2021

CFD is solving time dependent partial differential equations (PDE) and PDE is solved by numerical approximation. Which brings the system of equations (matrices and vectors) that need to be solved either by direct or indirect solvers. These solvers need a huge computational power in terms of the chosen problem. Pre-processing and post-processing (time step solutions) also requires lot of computational power to visualize or to make a movie.

Submarines are typically optimized for the high performance and noise reduction. DARPA Suboff is a basic model for submarine with experimental data available.  DARPA Suboff has a different configuration with parts and angle of attack. Use of the CFD in here is to bench marking the existing model and later this will be used to design new model with optimized performance of submarine.

ARPA Suboff (geometry)
DARPA Subof (surface mesh)

Project Mentor: Dr. Ezhilmathi Krishnasamy

Project Co-mentor: Dr. Sebastien Varrette

Site Co-ordinator: Prof. Pascal Bouvry

Participants: Shiva Dinesh Chamarthy, Matt Asker

Learning Outcomes:

  • Computational fluid dynamics using either open source or commercial tools to solve the given problem on a HPC setting.
  • Pre-processing, computation and post processing techniques (data analysis).
  • Parallel visualization
  • Optimization (load balancing on HPC setting and design parameters for DARPA Suboff)

Student Prerequisites (compulsory)
Fluid mechanics and basic programming skills.

Student Prerequisites (desirable):
Familier with any of the open source or commercial CFD software and computational mathematics.

Training Materials:


  • Week 1: HPC training
  • Week 2: Project preparation
  • Week 3: Preprocessin
  • Week 4: Simulation
  • Week 5: Simulation
  • Week 6: Post processing
  • Week 7: Results analysis
  • Week 8: Report writing

Final Product Description:
Compare the simulation results against any one of the model with its wind tunnel experimental results.

Adapting the Project: Increasing the Difficulty:
Including more parameters would make it difficult. For example, considering different angle of attack with different configuration of DARPA Suboff model.

Adapting the Project: Decreasing the Difficulty:
If we do not need to compare the results with experimental results that could make the project just easier.
Considering just few parameters with simulation makes it even simpler

ANSYS and OpenFOAM are available. Other open source tools (both for simulation and pre-processing) can be installed upon student request.
Paraview and VisIt (data processing and visualization) are also available.

University of Luxembourg

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