The Maze of Mesh Generation

Hi, my name is Aarushi Jain. I am a Computer science and engineering student from Indore, India. I am in pre-final year of my graduation. I am working on project no. 2024 “Marching Tetrahedrons on GPU” under SoHPC-2020. I have made a tangential entry to this program. I was selected for internship at VSC through some other route but it did not materialise due to pandemic. I was very much disheartened, but by grace of god, I got this opportunity to work under SoHPC-2020. This was a blessing in disguise for me.
This project will be completed under the supervision of Project Mentor Siegfried Hoefinger.
I was intended to join the Summer training in Vienna but due to pandemic we were told that the program has been shifted to online mode. I was happy and sad at the same time because I was getting to learn new skills by experts with comfort of home, on the other side I will be missing a chance to visit new places and meet people from diverse culture.
My first exposure to HPC began during my training at VECC (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre) Kolkata. Their I learned fundamentals of Parallel processing using pthreads and worked on a project for Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Darmstadt, Germany.
As a kid, I visited International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy with my parents for a month. I would like to share a video of ICTP where I got an award for being a good listener. Watch the video below and try to recognise me :-).
If you are still here, I would like to share my hobbies which are photography and swimming.

Thank you for reading, and I will keep you updated about my project here.
Keep it up and all the best for your future endevours.
Being the scourge of a pandemic this has been, your arduous efforts are commendable. Good Job Aarushi. Looking forward to future logs.
Thank u!
Phenomenal Work. God Bless.
Very well presented and as always I would be very much interested to know more about your discoveries and innovation. All the best for all your future endeavors.
Nice blog aarushi!! I hope, you learnt alot through the internship & further you can start new projects with new ideas. All the best.
To be honest, I don’t know how you manage to do such a good job every single time. Very well done!
For being the first person to come in and the last person to leave, we commend your dedication and hard work! All the best and keep it up.
This blog is written very well Aarushi. Most interesting one is that where you are recieving certificate ( I guess) from a scientist. Anyway you are very good in your subject but you are an artist too.
Your photography is better than writing codes. Keep it up.
All the best for more information in your blog about your project and more wonderful photographs…
Amazing work!
Well done aarushi!! Amazing work and all the very best for your future.
Well done Aarushi👍..!! I know u r a hardworker ..!!All the best for u r future.🔥🔥
Aarushi is an excellent team member and quick learner. She always earn respect from seniors and peer due to her sincerity. She is always ready to take technical challenges and strive hard till final completion.
Aarushi, I realize that you are easy going but firm in your deeds.
Due to Covid-19 most of us are unable to continue our regular work but you attempted a new work (internship) remotely from India to Europe. Yah! you made me to feel that the world is shrinking fast.
Keep the good work going, learn new things and interact with the participants there.
BTW: You may also include the photo of beautiful peacock dancing (That you sent me) in your blog.
Best of luck Dear Aarushi !!
Keep shining and grab the best of everything 💞
Amazing work🔥🔥
good piece of work..keep it up
It is always great to know about your ideas and projects. A great job indeed. Good luck girl! Here you are, my young scholar. No pandemic can ever stop you.
Amazing work! All the best for your future endeavours.
Thanks a lot everyone!!