Víctor González Tabernero

Hello all! In this first post I will introduce myself and share my point of view and interests regarding the Summer of HPC by PRACE.

Who I am?

My name is Víctor González Tabernero and I am a 23-year-old student from Spain. I was born and raised in a small city called Salamanca (Spain). During my elementary education, I became fascinated by all kinds of science, and this encouraged me to make the decision to study Physics and Mathematics. I studied both degrees at the University of Oviedo (Spain) from 2015 to this year, 2020, when I finished them.

My interests in computation and more

During my study I had many computational subjects, which made me feel passionate about them. As I learnt more about computational physics, numerical analysis and computation, I realized that these were the subjects which interested me the most.

Thus, during the last two years of my studies I took the decision to fully commit to a career in these fields. In order to do this, I taught myself programming languages and computational skills. To further pursue my goal, I wrote both of final degree dissertations about computational simulations and particle physics.

Not everything is studying and coding, though. My main passion is listening to music, I am the whole day discovering new music or listening to my own playlists. I also try to travel whenever I have the chance, I like discovering new cultures, getting lost in foreign cities, and meeting new people. My hobbies also include cooking, gaming, and hanging out with my friends.

Why SoHPC and what I will be doing here

A fellow student and a friend of mine talked to me about this programme, in which he got involved two years ago. At this point in the post, I believe that I’ve made my passion about computation related to physics and mathematics clear. That is precisely why the summer of HPC by PRACE seemed like a unique opportunity to learn more about computation and HPC. When I first read the projects, they all seemed to be fascinating in their own way.

I got selected for the project 2019 called Implementing task based parallelism for plasma kinetic code. Said project was proposed by the LECAD laboratory at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and I will be working in a team with two other students. We will be working with a code for simulating the behavior of plasma kinetics, which has exciting physics and mathematical tools behind. Our aim is to parallelize the existing code to increase its speed. I am really thrilled about this project, as I can find here many of the tools and features I already know from my degrees, and because I’ll learn and understand lots of new concepts and techniques about high performance computation which, without doubt, will be useful in my future.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic we have remote participation. So here is a photo of me participating online, even though I could not travel to a new place, I am cheery about been able to participate in SoHPC.

And this is all for this introductory post. Thank you for your time and stay tuned for new posts containing updates.

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