Time For Some Interdisciplinary Action!

A Little Introduction!

Hello all! My name is Bartu. I am an aspiring senior physics student at Middle East Technical University, Turkey. I have previously worked on large scale Arduino based data acquisition systems in an experimental physics laboratory. With the pandemic, I shifted to computational physics and since then I have been developing a molecular dynamics software with another colleague. I am also occasionally attending the QBronze quantum computing workshops as a mentor organized by QTurkey and developing a convolutional neural network for mineral composition prediction at METU ROVER.

I also play rhythm and bass guitar in a local metal band and I am interested in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Which were all sadly postponed due to the pandemic. I would love to chat with anyone having similar interests!

This is me tired after an electronics lab session.

I am working on the “S-gear geometry generation and optimisation algorithm based on transient finite element mechanical/contact analyses” project at University Of Ljubljana. Even though I am a physics student, working on a project from a different discipline is really exciting for me. I will be posting more about the project as well so stay tuned if you are interested!

I would also like to thank PRACE and the SoHPC coordinators for organizing this amazing program allowing us to work with experts from different countries! I hope this summer will be a great learning experience for all of us! See you all later in other blog posts!

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