Exploring Slovenia: Maribor, Koper, and Ljubljana zoo!

Exploring Slovenia: Maribor, Koper, and Ljubljana zoo!

In my third week in Slovenia I was lucky enough to have my girlfriend join me from the UK. We started by going to Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia. Luckily, Slovenia has an excellent car sharing service so we were able to travel around at minimal cost. We both have a great love for animals, so first things first, we went to the aquarium, my favourites were these small little blue fish


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Shortly after we took a stroll round Maribor and had coffee in a few of the local shops.

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We also went wine tasting but I didn’t manage to get a picture of that.


The day after we went to the seaside town of Koper. Again, a lovely small town with wonderful scenery. Naturally, most of the day was spent swimming in the sea, but here are a few photos I took.


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Rafaela (my girlfriend) and I have a passion for visiting zoos in every city we visit, so on Sunday we woke up early and went to the zoo, something I had been looking forward to ever since being accepted into the programme. The zoo was spectacular, a wide range of animals obviously cared for to the highest standards. Below is a selection of pictures.




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I can assure you that you haven’t lived until you’ve stroked a piglet. The most amazing thing abut the trip to the zoo was being able to see two Giraffes dueling. I watch a lot of nature documentaries in my spare time and a few years ago I watched this on the BBC documentary “Africa”. So it was an absolute pleasure to watch it in person. Below is the video, a true spectacle of nature.


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3 comments on “Exploring Slovenia: Maribor, Koper, and Ljubljana zoo!
  1. Roger hymen says:

    Great piece, was an absolute pleasure to read. Those blue fish are nice

  2. Anne Lowes says:

    I would love to visit Slovenia one day as well! Great article!

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