A “Summer of HPC” Touch into My Life

Hi everyone, I am Zeynep Dündar. I am a senior industrial engineering student from Koç University, double majoring with computer engineering. In this phase of my life, I am in search for my passion and I am here to discover my abilities and interest about machine learning and big data.

So, how did I get here?
I was (not) selected to SoHPC
The story of acceptance of me to Summer of HPC program was not a smooth process. From application process to acceptance, I needed to put so much effort to a research for the first time in my life. To say the truth, it was the first time that I was applying to a research program online and I was feeling incompetent to be accepted to this program. However, I screwed up my courage and fill up my application deliberately. After that it was time to wait for the results, and I waited a long time for that. Even 6 days after the due date for the official declarations for the acceptance has passed, there was no reply for my application in my mail box. My hope for getting late acceptance was diminishing day by day. At some point, I gave up waiting and confronted with the truth that I was not selected. It was not bad that much, I wasn’t selected, but at least I had an experience about applying to a research program.
After this self consoling session, I kept going with my daily life, I was searching for the other research opportunities. And on 6th of May I saw a mail in my mail box, It was from one of the members of SoHPC, urging me to approve or not my acceptance for the program. Actually I was accepted as the due date, but the mail was in spam and I did not see. That was the time I felt so much joy with me, all the deliberate efforts has resulted in a positive way, and I was accepted!

What PRACE means for me?
As you read my lines, I wish you feel the disappointment and the joy all together. By two months I will be conducting a research about “Big data management for better electricity consumption prediction”. Even if we conduct a remote research, I am very glad to be a part of this project. I am aiming to delve into the project and interpret meaningful results and improving my interpersonal skills with my teammate, mentor and SoHPC community. If you are a researcher here like me, I would like you to remember to be grateful to be involved in this program. Or if you are looking for a research or eager to join a program, just find out your interest and search for the opportunities.
Remember, your courage is only power to lead your life!
I will be sharing my experiences here all through this programme during 2 months.
Excellent blog, İrem! Kudos to you. Do you wanna work at Tesla after your research is done?
Wow, thank you for sharing your experience :). Remote research definitely has its ups and downs. Looking forward to read more!