Applications are open until 12th April 2021

Applications are open until 12th April 2021

Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centres across Europe to late-stage undergraduate and master’s students. Up to 66 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate in pairs on 33 projects supported and mentored online from 14 PRACE hosting sites. Participants will spend two months working on projects related to PRACE technical or industrial work and produce a report and video of their results.

Up to 66 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate in pairs on 33 projects supported and mentored online from 14 PRACE hosting sites.

Participants will spend two months working on projects related to PRACE technical or industrial work to produce a visualisation or video. PRACE will be financially supporting the selected participants during the programme that will run from 31th June to 31th August 2021, with the amount of €1300 per student during the summer.

Late-stage undergraduate and master’s students are invited to apply for the PRACE Summer of HPC 2021 programme, to be held in July & August 2021. Consisting of a training week and two months with onlone participation at top HPC centres around Europe, the programme offers participants the opportunity to share their experience and learn more about PRACE and HPC.

Due to Covid-19 pandemics during the summer of 2021 the programme will run fully online as an exception and as long as Europe is under strong mobility limitations. Two prizes will be awarded to the participants who produce the best project and best embody the outreach spirit of the programme.

Applications are open until 12 April 2021. Applications are welcome from all disciplines. Previous experience in HPC is not required as training will be provided. Some coding knowledge is a prerequisite, but the most important attribute is a desire to learn, and share experiences with HPC. A visual flair and an interest in blogging, video blogging or social media are desirable.

The programme will run from 1 July to 30 August 2021. It will begin with a kick-off online training week organised Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC) – to be attended by all participants.

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