Cold start

Hi everyone,

we (my partner Anssi Manninen and me) have started our development late our project High Performance Quantum Fields but finally, we’ve been able to start working. And I’m going to tell you everything that happened.

The first week after completing the online training week of PRACE Summer of HPC, it was time to meet with the mentor. Unfortunately, our mentor Stefan Krieg was sick, and he only recommended to us to read some interesting papers about simulations of classical or quantum field theories that we were going to work with. In these papers, three of them about simulations of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics and another two about graphene and its famous honeycomb structure, we had to choose to work on either the lattice QCD or work with graphene. On Friday, when Stefan was better, I chose graphene. So we decided to meet Monday to speak about the main propose of the project.

Honeycomb structure of graphene

This Monday was our first meeting, and then we are going to meet every week. In this one, Stefan gave me all the necessary material to understand the tasks that we were going to do, he gave me access to the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) to use the supercomputer and put me in touch with his team to work together. He and his team are working to improve the performance of a Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm applied to Carbon Nanotubes.

Our work throughout SoHPC will be to improve this algorithm in CPU (with openMP) and then in GPU (with openACC). And for this, we will work step by step to achieve it. Thus, our first step will be learning about openMP, openACC and some common parallelization techniques, and also understanding the algorithm well along with the parts of the code that can be optimized.

If you want to know what results we are getting and what interesting things we are learning, don’t forget to visit my blog weekly. See you soon!

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