Computing with high performance while remote
Hey there, Stefan here. I am writing this blog from Ljubljana, where I am doing my master’s degree at the Department of Knowledge Technologies at the Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School. Before coming to Ljubljana, I had finished my bachelor’s at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, in the domain of computer science.
First thing that I did when I came to Ljubljana last September was to participate in the PRACE Autumn School where I attended sessions on big data technologies and HPC, following the advice of my studies’ supervisor. This is where I found out about the Summer of HPC program, and the PRACE organization.
This summer I will participate in the first-ever remote organization of the program, on a project conducted by CINECA, Bologna. The project encompasses the development of a tool for real-time analysis on the work of a HPC cluster at CINECA to detect anomalies and maximize the energy efficiency and maintainability of the cluster.

I am very excited to start my work on the initial phase, which is to implement a part of a pipeline that will load the data from the sensors at the cluster into the machine learning and visualization systems that will in turn, learn from the data to detect future anomalies and give the management better overview on the working state of the cluster.
There are a lot of moving pieces in this puzzle, and with remote work there exists the added complexity of coordinating with team members, but there is a solution to all of it and I am eager to find it.
I am excited to start working and collaborating both with the mentors and coordinators from CINECA, and with my fellow participants, Aisling from Ireland, and Nathan from the UK.
That is all for now. Feel free to write me (or add me on LinkedIn) if you want to know more about the program and / or my work here. You can also visit other participants’ pages to learn more about the Summer of HPC program, the PRACE organization and all the amazing work that will be done this summer.
Stay tuned for more, and don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this with your friends.
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