Docking in BSC

Docking in BSC

Until now everything ran quite quickly. I still can not believe that the first month has already passed. So far it has been the most important working experience in my life. I liked everything in Barcelona because it reminds me of my own country. Such as the climate, the people and the summer mood. I also like the BSC’s accommodation and facilities.

A few words about the project:

I am participating in the project about “Collaborative interface for in-situ visualization, analysis and steering of HPC molecular dynamics simulations” . Every day, the need for high-throughput visualization and analysis is growing rapidly. That’s why scientists who work on docking problems need an efficient molecular tool for high-throughput screening. With the assistance of PELE, a simulation software which provides the data pre-processing and analysis, we will manage to visualize PELE’s clustering results in a user friendly graphical interface in order to evaluate the best matches.



Since the first week in BSC was completely occupied by my efforts to adjust into the new environment and catch up with my tasks and obligations, there was hardly any time left for sightseeing. However, Rumyana’s birthday was an excellent opportunity to enjoy Barcelona by night.

Screenshot from 2015-08-11 10:12:42

Rumyana’s birthday

Our daily schedule contains lunch at one o’clock where we share food and constructive conversation in a friendly atmosphere. Weekends usually but not always, due to demanding working schedule, differentiate themselves into allowing me more time to spend in the athletic courts participating in activities such as running and swimming. Barcelona is known worldwide for its enormous contribution to certain field of sports. Therefore, Barcelona’s visitors should definitely enjoy and experience this chance.

Mar Bella Beach

Mar Bella Beach

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