Ebru Diler

Ebru Diler


Hello world !’

I am Ebru, I completed my bachelor degree in Dokuz Eylul University as Industrial Engineer in Turkey and I am doing my master degree in same department.

I got introduced to software by my interest in algorithm competitions. I was one of the representatives of IEEE Student Branch in my own school. I heard about the IEEEXtreme contest. In 2017, I got zero points from the competition. Wheres after that I practiced my algorithm skills on Hackerrank. In 2018 IEEEXtreme, my team got 5th place in Turkey among 100+ Turkish teams.

I work hard on optimization problems as an industrial engineer. Some optimization problems can be solved by linear programming. The solution of these programs requires a very long time. For example: travel salesman problem solution lasted 41 hours on my computer. This inefficiency was very contradictory to the vision of engineering. Then I noticed the existence of HPC. Perhaps for the first time in my life I would see a high performance computer with this project!

I like racing against time. I received degrees in some competitions held in Turkey. Here are couple of the hackathons that I’ve won: Hack4energy , Hugoboss Hackathon, Anadolu Sigorta Hackathon, Yapıkredi Hackathon, Code.Masters , Mercedes-Benz Hackathon etc.

My current challenge is Summer of HPC. Now I’m trying to understand the HPC in a language that I don’t know, in a country I have never been in before.

I’m very happy to be at the EPCC in this new challenge. As you know :

If you can dream it, you can do it.
Walt Disney

To be continued…

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