İrem Naz Çoçan

Hello everyone! My name is İrem Naz and I am 23 years old. I join this programme from Turkey/Izmir. Also I am studying computer engineering at Dokuz Eylül University. Next term will be my last year at my school.Apart from my school life, I enjoy doing sports (especially pilates,yoga), handcrafted painting (eg stone painting, renovating items) and spending time with my friends. SoHPC programme, I was selected “Implementation of Paralllel Branch and Bound algorithm for combinatorial optimization” project that located in University of Ljubljana.Are you ready to learn more about my participation in the program and about me? Fasten your seatbelts !
The Application Process
Maybe you haven’t decided what to do right now for your future, or you don’t know how to get started. I was exactly at this position and I wanted to take a step.I was wondering what to do in a bigger world with my interest in the parallel and analysis lessons I took at school. While drowning in these thoughts,I learned the Summer HPC program. I applied, thinking it would be a perfect start. As I read the blogs where participants shared their experiences in recent years, I believed that this decision was correct. Because this program is a summer camp where there is plenty of information, solidarity and adventure.The fact that it will be online for pandemic reasons this year has not returned me from my application in addition I was very excited when I found out that my application was accepted and I couldn’t wait to share it with my loved ones.
The Training Week
This week, which was held online this year, was the week of learning new information for me like MPI,OpenMPI,CUDA.As someone who notes everything, I can say that I spend a lot of paper.In addition to this, it was a week full of yoga and body movements between the activities and lessons held for us to meet the participants.In this way, we met my project friend Carlos and our mentors told us about the plans for the coming weeks. Now I say goodbye to you with a hope to meet again with more about my project !

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