Jakub Nurski

My name is Jakub Nurski. I am an ambitious B.Eng student of Computer Science in Poznan University of Technology in Poland. I also work there for a small start-up that provides innovative software for photovoltaic companies. Bringing green energy to people is one of my lifelong goals.

Always thinking of something, either computer related or not.
During my studies I’ve participated in many hackathons. “What is a hackathon?” you may ask.
Design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development collaborate intensively on software projects. It typically last between a day and a week.
Together with my team we have created video games, a study help app, a first aid app, a social media app, an e-commerce app and many more. 24 hour work without sleep is really rewarding. Especially if you work with determined people and win some prizes.
However, programming is not my whole life (and it will never be – I hope). In my spare time I like to design and play board games. Day-to-day board game meetups in a fun group is a great way to recharge you batteries for a week. Moreover, I prefer to spend my holidays in mountainous areas which allow me to pursue one of my greatest passions – hiking.

On the summit of Sněžka, Czech Republic.
I feel enthusiastic about the PRACE Summer of HPC program. I hope that I’ll learn a lot during my project about visualisation. I also hope that my work will help the public to understand how important HPC is for science.
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