Léo Lassalle

Léo Lassalle

Hello everyone, welcome to my first summer of hpc post.

About me

My name is Léo, I’m 22 years old and I’m a student in engineering school in mathematics and computer science at Polytech Sorbonne in Paris.
I’m a curious person, interested in sciences and more particularly in computer science. For a long time I wanted to study quantum computing in depth without ever having had the opportunity to do so. I could attend several conferences on the subject in universities which interested me a lot, but which gave me at the same time the desire to know more about it. This is where Summer of HPC changes the game! And I am very happy about it.

I learned about the Summer of HPC program from one of my teachers who told us about It. I found out about the event and realized, after few research, that it was exactly what I was looking for. Learning with the help of a mentor on a subject that I am passionate about, for me project#12.
So here I am, writing this blog, after a training week where I learned a lot. The training week was done remotely, but I still enjoyed the atmosphere and loved the different teachers during the week.

I am very excited to be part of the project, I can’t wait to learn more and I think that in 2 months I will know much more about quantum computing.
I will keep you informed here about the progress in the next few weeks.
Thanks for reading
See you soon!

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