Anna Chantzoplaki

Anna Chantzoplaki

Anna Chantzoplaki

Anna Chantzoplaki will be working on the project “HPC Cluster Challenge” app with Nick Brown & Amy Krause, in EPCC at the University of Edinburgh. She is really excited and looking forward to it.

Anna is 25 years old and she lives and studies in Thessaloniki, a city in Northern Greece. She studied Applied Informatics at the University of Macedonia and has acquired a master’s degree in Energy Economics, at the International Hellenic University. She is currently pursuing her second master degree with a specialization in Computational Methods and Applications at the University of Macedonia. She is also enrolled in a Ph.D program in the department of Applied Informatics and her research interests focus on energy efficient parallel and distributed computations.

Anna’s project concerns the development of an application which targets to communicate HPC to the public outreach. In particular, the application will allow participants to design their own cluster of computers, by choosing computer components within a fixed budget, making configurations on it and finally measuring the performance. In this way people will become more aware and familiar with the notion of the supercomputer. Anna is really enthusiastic about this application since, as she says, she will finally be able to explain to her friends the things that she is working on!

Besides scientific interests Anna is a sports person. She likes cycling and dancing, especially traditional Greek dances. She is an avid runner and intends to explore the city of Edinburgh this summer.

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  1. […] from Barcelona to Edinburgh was a mess! Anna, Ondrej, and I will share an apartment in Edinburgh and we all also work at EPCC (Ondrej and I even […]

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