An introduction: Kevin Mato

Hello dear reader, welcome to my series of posts about HPC!
The Blog of “Summer of HPC 2020” will be full of news in the upcoming months, you will be able to follow 24 cutting edge projects on different matters regarding high perfomance computation.
About me
I’m Kevin!
I’m a 23 y.o. student of computer science and engineering from the north of Italy, close to Lake Maggiore.
During my studies at the Polytechnic of Milan I had the opportunity of trying my hand at very different types of projects and I discovered a deep love for data science and statistics, as well as for computer architectures and physics. I discovered a way in which I could have combined them all together: High Performance Computing!
In the last year I’ve been working on topics related to quantum computing, but during SoHPC 2020 I will be participating to project 2023, “Improved performance with Hybrid Programming”. This project will be hosted by the Vienna scientific Cluster, and we will be able to work remotely on the machines Vienna Scientific Clusters 3 and 4.

Project & Training week
My project will be about hybrid programming in MPI, OpenMP and eventually CUDA. I had basic knowledge of the technologies involved before applying and I’m looking forward to explore how we can exploit them to achieve great results on the iterative Jacobi solver. I am sure that by the end of this experience I will be a completely different person and possibly I will be able to pursue a career in HPC as I am willing to do. A special thanks goes to our mentors and the organizers of the training week that did an absolute great job. The clarity of the explanations of the mentors met the preciness of the organizers, resulting in a perfect balance between work and fun; even if working remotely can happen to be frustrating, this time I can call the training week a success.
For news on the project and my personal achievements you will find everything here!

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