The end of the project arrived

The end of the project arrived
Marconi 100 Virtual Replica

After two months of hard work, the time has come to say goodbye to this project. I have had the opportunity to work on the visualisation of one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe and I could not be more grateful for that.

Since I started my Multimedia Engineering degree I have been fascinated by the different ways to generate graphics and how useful it can be, from creating a web page, a mobile application, to a C program. This time I have used Python and the VTK package to generate these graphics and I am very happy with the result as it was a technology I had not tried before and I have achieved the objectives. Here is the final presentation video so you can take a look at it:

Finally, since it has not been possible to do so for the last two months, I am going to visit CINECA and I will be able to see in person the supercomputer I have been working with. I think there can be no better ending than this farewell trip.



I am a multimedia engineer with an analytical and problem-solving mentality. I enjoy learning new things and applying them in my daily life.

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