The end of the project arrived

After two months of hard work, the time has come to say goodbye to this project. I have had the opportunity to work on the visualisation of one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe and I could not be more grateful for that.
Since I started my Multimedia Engineering degree I have been fascinated by the different ways to generate graphics and how useful it can be, from creating a web page, a mobile application, to a C program. This time I have used Python and the VTK package to generate these graphics and I am very happy with the result as it was a technology I had not tried before and I have achieved the objectives. Here is the final presentation video so you can take a look at it:
Finally, since it has not been possible to do so for the last two months, I am going to visit CINECA and I will be able to see in person the supercomputer I have been working with. I think there can be no better ending than this farewell trip.
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