Training Week

PRACE Summer of HPC 2016


Update: Training week at Juelich

This year, training week was at Juelich and it seems to have been the best training week yet! From MPI to Go-karting and good food, the week was a blast! It was a great start to SoHPC and set us up to have an amazing summer!

Monday: Meeting new people and getting comfortable!

On Monday, there were lots of introductions and getting to know not only the instructors, all the participants got their first and only chance to meet each other. They most certainly did not waste the opportunity, jumping at the chance to meet interesting people who were also a part of the program! With a tour of Juelich Supercomputing Center and a Supercomputer ‘HowTo’, the day passed in a blur and before they knew what was happening, it was already time for dinner!

Official use only!

Tuesday: Jumping into Supercomputing!
The hardcore training began on Tuesday, from parallel architectures, algorithms design, performance parameters, MPI, to P2P and much more. There was a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time, but the participants took it in stride!

Wednesday: More learning, but there was also Go-karting!
Wednesday was filled with OpenMP and then in the afternoon, there was a Go-karting excursion that provided a great opportunity for participants to bond! Everyone had a blast racing around the track and celebrating victories big and small!

Thursday: The home stretch!

After a large special ‘Junkfood Day’ dinner the night before and the go-karting adventures, the participants were ready to get right back to work, which was visualization! The entire day was spent on it and ParaView. It was hard to believe that there was only one day left!

Friday: GPU Programming and goodbyes!
After a not so long (but still jam packed) week of training, the participants had really earned a Pizza Day! After some GPU programming training, pizza was delivered as a proper send off for our participants. If the training week was anything to go by, this just might be out best SoHPC yet!