CAD data extraction for CFD simulation

CAD data extraction for CFD simulation

Project reference: 1721

CAD geometry is a necessary input to run a numerical simulation. However, CAD geometry from the design office is not suitable for use directly in numerical simulation. This is due to CAD complexity with many small details such as fillets, small edges and faces. Simplification and extraction of the CAD data is necessary beforehand the numerical simulation. The simplification and extraction of the CAD data will be done in open source software Open CASCADE. The numerical simulation will beperformedwith an open source software such asOpenFOAM. The main goal is to prepare the geometry for the numerical simulation in programmatic way using the Open CASCADE. With this project, a complete method of CAD extraction, meshing and numerical analysis will be done in programmatic way. Python and C++ will be used as programming tools.

Project Mentor: Marijo Telenta, Ph.D.

Site Co-ordinator: Leon Kos, Ph.D.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Utilization of HPC;
  • Using open source software
  • Utilizing the HPC resources
  • Visualization of data

  Student Prerequisites (compulsory): 

Proficiency in Bash and strong programming background in Python and C++.

Student Prerequisites (desirable): 

Experience with CFD.

Training Materials:

Front page


  • Week 1: Training week
  • Week 2: Literature review (plan writing)
  • Week 3-6: Project development
  • Week 7: Optimization, validation, and visualization
  • Week 8: Final report write-up

Final Product Description: 

Results will be published as a report and the data will be visualized and presented with figures and video materials.

Adapting the Project: Increasing the Difficulty:

More complex geometry will be analysed.


HPC Prelog, OpenFOAM, ParaView, Python, Mathematica, Inscape, Gimp, Latex, OPEN CASCADE. The student will be placed on his own desk with desktop computer in office.

University of Ljubljana

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