Brief introduction​: STFC Hartree.

Much has happened since my previous post ( ) and I have been quite overwhelmed. Finally, I have found some time to evaluate the last two weeks and share my experience with you.

The Innovation Centre, where I work.

The STFC-Hartree centre is my new workplace, and I must say I could not be any luckier. Immersed in the English countryside, this facility is where many innovative activities take place, from big data to physics related ones to mention few, strongly bonded with the industrial partners.

Some highlights of my short stay have been this far:

  • a short conference by Jack Dongarra on HPC and Big Data challenges for the future. Professor Dongarra is a leading expert in Supercomputing and he shared his vision on the next future of the top 500 ( in the race for exascale. Also, some American accent was a relief for me.

  • the possibility to observe and touch some lunar rocks, on the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Stay tuned for more about my HPC project.

Mechanical engineering graduate student, always ready for new experiences. Currently, in Warrington, UK, working on Mesoscale simulations on GPGPU architectures.

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