Bye, CINECA!!! Bye, Martin!!!

Bye, CINECA!!! Bye, Martin!!!

This will be the last blog post, so Martin, don’t be sad. Before leaving this amazing summer school, let me sum up what I achieved.

In overall, this experience has been amazing. Although there were ups and downs throughout my research, I managed to work through it. To make it short, I will use one graph to finalise my findings in this summer.

Speedup curve of different pipelines

As you can see from the graph, the scalability of Catalyst connected OpenFOAM are very similar regardless of the pipelines. In contrast, the scalability of OpenFOAM with coprocessing and without coprocessing are similar up to 108 cores. Beyond that point, the different in scalability diverges. However, considering the benefits that can be obtained from Paraview Catalyst, the decrease of scalability is not much of a concern.

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the experience in this summer school. I had met a lot of amazing people who are passionate about technology and HPC in specific. Also, I would like to thank my site coordinator, Simone Bnà, which was very helpful to me. I have learned a lot of skills, for example Paraview Catalyst, OpenFOAM, Pyhton scripting, Bash scripting, remote visualisation and video editing. This may be one of the best summer I had in my life. After working with HPC for 2 months, I really find myself really interested in and want to know more about HPC. Therefore, I will not stop here and I will continue to seek for more opportunity to learn more about HPC. Therefore, I am here to advise anyone who is interested in HPC to not hesitate to apply for next year Summer of HPC program.


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