Summer of HPC 2020 goes online

Summer of HPC 2020 goes online
The picture shows the VSC-4 – the HPC cluster offering 2.7 PFlop/s that will be used in this SoHPC project; photo: © .

Instead of canceling in pandemic times programme decided to double number of participants (50 selected for 24 projects) and organise remote training and project mentoring. All applicants welcomed such decision with comments like:

  1. Indeed we are lucky that computing is one of the things we can still do in this extraordinary time. I am still very enthusiastic about taking part in SoHPC!
  2. I am currently working remotely for college so continuing to do so is not an issue. My whole family is working remotely as this is and will be the new normal method of working for the foreseeable future so I fully support the decision to switch the project to a remote one
  3. I’m not happy about that but I understand that Covid-19 is a serious threat.
  4. I think it would be the best moment to learn more about programming as staying at home might be recommended or even drafted. Also, now I am getting used to this type of work as my final degree projects require cluster and local programming. Furthermore, I am habituated in communicating with partners and tutors weekly as we work wih the same framework and data.
  5. Remote it not a problem, also it has some good sides. I really want to take part in this program.
  6. Those are the times of unfortunate events but it’s also good for academic improvoment since we all stay at home and focus on study. I’d happily like to attend SoHPC distant education. Creating a group of students is also good for starting new friendships and academic network. I hope I can be part of this great organization. Best regards.
  7. While it is a bummer the program cannot continue as planned, given the recent developments, I fully understand the need to make this decision and I am on board with it.
  8. I would be more than happy to participate in the programme remotely, if selected.
  9. Despite the exceptional circumstances, project subjects are intriguing enough to be done remotely. On the spot or not, PRACE Summer of HPC remains as an excellent opportunity to learn plenty of new stuff during the internship. Into the bargain, I’ll be given a fancy t-shirt 🙂
  10. Right now I’m even more excited of participating. Working remotely in a team will be part of any job in the future, and getting an experience on this kind of situation maybe very useful. Plus I can still achieve the goals I set for myself. I can see only positive aspects in this kind of solution. Thanks for still giving us an opportunity and for all your work.
  11. Considering the past events, I was concerned that SoHPC might have been cancelled for this year, therefore I am happy and hopeful as i still have a chance of being selected for the program! I am now comfortably at home and I have both the chance and the high motivation to complete a project remotely if selected. I believe that recent events will not condition my ability to perform high quality work if selected.
  12. Although I regret not being able to live the full SoHPC experience, I think that it is still an excellent opportunity to work with HPC experts of the best centres around Europe. Moreover, working in groups could make the experience more challenging and enriching, given that selected students should cooperate with people of other countries and with different academic background. Last but not least, dealing with cooperating seems an excellent training for the future, both for academic and professional careers.
  13. In tough times we take exceptional measures.
  14. Despite the exceptional circumstances, project subjects are intriguing enough to be done remotely. On the spot or not, PRACE Summer of HPC remains as an excellent opportunity to learn plenty of new stuff during the internship. Into the bargain, I’ll be given a fancy t-shirt :)I would still be delighted to participate in the SoHPC programme – to get the fantastic opportunity to work on one of projects. The remote structure sounds very good – I think it would be great to work in a team with other SoHPC participants!
  15. I’d be happy to participate in the project under any circumstances.
  16. Participation in the programme is still a valuable experience, doing it remotely is not optimal, but given the circumstances I think is for the best. I will try to make the most of what it is and go through it with the best of my abilities.
  17. All of us had to give up their normal lives because of this disease that is everywhere in the world.We are currently successfully distance learning from our schools. I believe that it will also be successful in remote works.
  18. Many events and flights are canceled and schools are closed due to pandemic. In this chaos, It is unexpectable a big event like SoHPC to be taken place. However, instead of cancellation of this event, execution of trainings remotely will still be a great opportunity for us because what SoHPC offers does not change. We will still be working on a project with the finest HPC centers. Of-course, it is a little disappointing that not meeting people in person and not having a cup of coffee with them to discuss ideas. However, I believe, everyone will do their best to work on their project and also keep alive the spirit of SoHPC.
  19. Thank you for making this internship possible, earlier I was thinking that it will not take place. But glad it will take place and happy to be part of it.
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