Regina Mumbi: About me

Regina Mumbi: About me
Hanging out with Einstein

Hi! My name is Mumbi.

This is my first blog post submission for this year’s PRACE Summer of HPC where you get to know me, my application experience and also get a sneak peek of what I will be working on in the next seven weeks.


İ am a 23 year old student , born and raised in Nairobi,Kenya. İ am currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Computer engineering at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University in Turkey. My main motivation for applying for this year’s soHPC was my newly found interest in computer system architecture from a class İ took last semester.

How I got here

It all started  when a friend sent me a Facebook post announcing this year’s summer of HPC applications were open. Before that time, I had never heard about PRACE , nor did I know a lot about high performance computing, but I had heard of Barcelona Supercomputing Center from Dan Brown’s “Origin”,one of my favorite books. This year,there were 33 amazing projects to choose from. I put in my application and waited…

My ordeal with the spam folder

One lazy afternoon ,a week before the results release,İ decided to check my junk email out of boredom and to my surprise, there were five follow-up emails from one of  the soHPC coordinators. They were enquiries on my project choices and my reference letter submission. The deadlines to make changes to my application had already passed and even as I tried to salvage the situation by responding to the emails, I knew for sure that my chances of getting selected were close to nil.

İ was wrong.

On 1st of May, I woke up to an email informing me that I had been selected for my first choice project .İt felt so surreal.İ was ecstatic!

email screenshot

Project 2101

This summer, I will be working on the analysis of data management policies in HPC architectures together with my project partner Aneta İvanicova. This MEEP project, situated at Barcelona supercomputing center, involves assessing various data management policies that will allow faster data access and movement through the different levels of memory hierarchy (more about it here). We will be guided by our mentor Borja Perez. This past week ,İ have had the opportunity to virtually attend the rigorous training at İCHEC (İrish Center for High End Computing) where we covered various topics such as memory parallelization, interfacing C code with python and performance analysis on HPC systems . I look forward to sharing more with you on what I have learnt so far from the project as time goes by.

And that’s about it from me for post #1.Make sure to stick around for more blog posts detailing my progress in the coming weeks. Also, don’t hesitate to comment below with any questions or remarks that you may have about participating in soHPC or the application process.

Meanwhile, you might want to check your junk folder…

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60 comments on “Regina Mumbi: About me
  1. Noah says:

    Awesome read! Now let me go and check my spam folder.

  2. Violette says:

    All the best dear, this is amazing 😍

  3. Sarah says:

    True abt the thing with the junk mail… will check mine.
    Congratulations deary n all the best

  4. Felix says:

    All the best Mumbi. I hope PRACE will be a wholesome experience for you.

  5. Lee Mwangi says:

    Amazing read Regina, this is so awesome! I’m lookinh forward to learning more about HPC!

    Oh and, congratulations!!

  6. Polet Ouma says:

    I was all smiles reading this. Keep going!

  7. Nernst Kirika says:

    An amazing read it is. Keep it up Mumbi

  8. Lucy Wanjiku says:

    Nice one dear girl. Congratulations. I will keep here, as I check out on my junk mail.

  9. Aneta Ivaničová says:

    I am looking forward to working with you during these two months!

  10. Nigel Ombima says:


  11. Victor Kipkoech says:

    I smiled reading every word of blog post #1. So happy and proud in equal measure. Can’t wait for blog post #2. I wish you all the best!

  12. Chifundo says:

    Congratulations 👏🏾👏🏾

  13. Afnan Mohamed Khamis says:

    Amazing…proud of you girl…keep it up♥️

  14. Kelvin says:

    🙂A nice read…And off I go to check out my junk folder.

  15. Duhan says:

    Congratulations my friend. I am very happy bc of ur success. I wish you continued success. My love and best wishes from ur classmate. Duhan

  16. Njoori says:

    Ain’t junk where the funk is?
    Cant wait to read more siste.

  17. Thomas says:

    Congratulations Regina. You deserve it…

  18. Raheem says:

    Congrats Reggy!!! Am very Proud of you and I wish you all the best

  19. Justino says:

    Thank you for this amazing and inspiring post. Congratulations and I wish you success while you embark in this amazing journey!!! We’re waiting for another update👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    Just know we’re here cheering you from the sidelines and…..Wait, give me a minute. Before I continue let me go check my spam folder real quick😬😬

  20. Graçias says:

    Hey Reggy, I hope you can get to go to Barcelona as well and get ghe whoole experience. Tebrikler !

  21. Daniel says:

    Congrats Regina , wishing you the best.

  22. Camilla says:

    Congratulations, dear Mumbi, it was a pleasure to read your story. Thank you and good luck …

  23. Moses Wekesa says:

    And just like that, I will be learning soHPC with you. Thank you Reggie

  24. Joy Kinoti says:

    That’s my physics buddy 😌😌😌
    Keep make strides Einstein
    Am proud of you 😊

  25. Moses O. says:

    Greetings to Einstein!
    Amazing stuff and all the best Gachomba😁

  26. Geoffrey Mbari says:

    Keep shining, keep the 🔥 blazing. Alafu MEEP ni nini?

    • Regina Mumbi Gachomba says:

      Thanks Jeff.
      MEEP stands for MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform. It’s basically a platform that is able to emulate the performance of supercomputers which can be leveraged to perform upto 10^18 operations per second (FLOPS). I will make a point to talk more about it in my next post , so stay tuned 🙂

  27. Marcos Gideon says:

    Keep rising Regy👏👏👏👏

  28. Marion Olilo says:

    Amazing work girl😊

  29. Jim Caleb says:

    Looking forward to seeing your progress!! All the best 🦾

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