Summer of HPC … what a wonderful experience!

Here we are, we have arrived: these are the last days together of this fantastic adventure that was the Prace. I can’t believe it’s finished already, it seems to me yesterday that I was in my room following the week of traing! It was all so fast … but all so intense and wonderful.

I didn’t think I would learn so much, from familiarity with Python, to modifying and using programs for calculating VQE energies on IBM computers. I didn’t think I could write code for simulations … and what simulations! Seeing the molecules come to life in front of my eyes for the first time, because Jenay and I were able to make them do it, was a unique emotion that I will always remember. I remember that at first I was so scared, but then everything turned out to be easy to do, thanks to so much effort, study, passion, so much perseverance and tenacity!

A quick look at one of the codes used for the calculation of VQE energies
IBM Quantum Composer with the devices used for our calculations

Our mentors were fundamental: they helped, stimulated, followed and guided us all the time, giving us confidence and reassurance every moment.

So what does Prace leave me? Greater self-confidence, a lot of passion discovered for this field of work, greater confidence with programming, and a lot of gratitude for the people I met!

Thank you very much IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava for allowing me to work with them, and for their trust! I hope to visit the center in person someday.

Is it an experience that I recommend doing? Absolutely yes. And I already miss it so much …
I hope to get to know my colleague and my mentors in person, and maybe who knows, collaborate with them again.

Now let’s focus on the latest project work: our final report! And whatever happens, it’s a job that all of us at Project 2118 are proud of.

So there we are, that’s it for now. I greet my latest blog post with the great hope that it won’t be the last time!

Thanks Prace Summer of HPC

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