A late introduction to Andraž Filipčič

Hi! So, this is a bit awkward. To be honest, I kinda forgot about these blog posts, and whenever I remembered I was already too busy with something else and ended up forgetting again. So finally, here we go:
Hello! I’m Andraž, a Computer and Information Science student at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Conveniently that’s also where I’m from, so I never had to go far to attend uni. I’ve been interested in HPC for a while and have done some student work in the field, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get even more familiar with the topic and get a more genuine hands-on experience.
As a computer science student my interest was always more in the background/administration side of things when it comes to HPC, so a project like the one I ended up with (High Throughput HEP Data Processing at HPC – 2110) seems like the perfect fit for me, since it deals more with understanding how a cluster works and what its limitations are, rather than only using it for various computations. But I do admit I’m a bit disappointed about not having been able to visit the project site. Two months at CERN while working on this would have been fantastic! Alas, such is the world these days, it’s out of anyone’s control. (Well, not entirely: get vaccinated!!)
A bit more about me though, since this is meant to introduce me at least to some extent! At university I studied chemistry at first, until I realised I should probably have gone for computer science in the first place instead. Some time was lost, but a lot of things were learned! (I suppose that means no time was really lost, to be fair.) So I do have an easier time understanding some of the chemistry and physics behind the work I currently do, which is helping out with adjusting some software for molecular modeling at the National Institute of Chemistry. Aside from that I busy myself with fairly standard nerdy things: playing the piano, video games, series, films, etc. One of my recent interests has been diving into weird musical theory videos on YouTube, and I highly recommend anyone with an inkling of interest in it to try it out!
I think that’ll do for now, there’s only so much I can tell about myself before I start feeling weird about it. (Just talking about yourself while not getting to know someone else at the same time is a bit of a weird thing isn’t it?) Can’t wait to see what this project holds in store for me! (I suppose I already know since I’m so late with this, don’t call me out like that. I need to build some suspense at least!)
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