We’ve reached the end of the road, or at least this one. It was quite a summer for me and I would like to tell you about the impressions I’ve gathered during the summer and wrap up the story about the project in which I’ve participated.
This chapter aims to introduce an emerging approach of managing data that has the potential of breaking restrictions set by traditional hardware architectures and to show you how it is used and its performance in a real world.
Well, hello and welcome to the first entry of this year’s Summer of HPC blog. My name is Petar and I would like to introduce myself and share some of my first impressions on SoHPC programme provided by PRACE. Introduction …
Project reference: 2005 Charm++ is an open source, parallel programming framework in C++, supported by an adaptive runtime system. It uses objects called chares which hold data, and methods to act on that data, which can be invoked emotely by …