At last we reach the end of the SoHPC program. It has been amazing summer, and the participation in the SoHPC program was an exceptional experience. I am really happy with the results of our work as we put in …
OpenFoam is a freely available open source package, widely used in CFD, facilitating the development of custom open source CFD NWT software for WSI problems, including modeling WEC. OpenFoam includes a large number of models, advanced gridding routines and parallelization …
Permafrost is an issue that has recently resurfaced in the global media, due to the climate change effects. In short detail, permafrost is part of the ground that continuously remains below 0 °C (32 °F) for a few years, located on land or …
About me. My name is Stavros Dimou and I am 22 years old. I was born in Volos, Greece and I am currently a fourth year student at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University Of Thessaly. From a …