Behold HPC Journey Of A Computer Engineering Student!

me, myself and I with my PRACE SoHPC T-shirt 🙂

Hello there, this is Buse. We will have a long journey throughout the summer so buckle up because it is gonna be, with an old friend’s expression, legendary! Well, this is my expectation based on the experience I have had with the PRACE SoHPC programme so far:) I’ll always be keeping you updated so that you can follow me on my adventure.

Let me first introduce myself and we will get back to the most exciting part later on. I am a senior computer engineering student at Izmir Institute of Technology. I am very interested in High-Performance Computing(HPC). This interest started a while ago when I participated in computer systems week in Edinburgh. I met with PRACE there and It was kind of an inspirational week for me. I decided to expand my knowledge about HPC and to do so I took a heterogeneous parallel programming lecture which is offered by my university. After successfully finishing the lecture, I couldn’t get enough of HPC so there was one more thing to do: starting a new project about HPC. Then I applied for the PRACE SoHPC programme and now here I am doing my internship with one of the most respectable institutions of Europe, ICHEC, thanks to PRACE SoHPC programme. I already feel like I have found “the one” for my career:)

Normally, the programme takes place on-site. However, it will be conducted remotely this year due to the pandemic. Throughout the summer, everyone will be working on a project of their desire (it is determined in the application phase) and I will be working on GPU acceleration of Breadth First Search algorithm in applications of social networks. Ideally, students work on projects individually. However, PRACE decided to assign two-three students for each project for this year. I am glad that we will be working as a team because I get to meet a wonderful teammate, Berker Demirel who is a senior CS student at Sabanci University. Every project has one or two mentors and a site coordinator. My mentor is Buket Benek Gürsoy who is a computational scientist in the Irish Centre for High-End Computing(ICHEC). She is an amazing mentor and always helps us if we have even the slightest doubt about anything. The second week is about to finish. Oh wait, I haven’t told you about the first week yet! 

Well, it was a great training week and I don’t think I can tell you the whole story in this post. Stay tuned for my next post to hear more about the training week.

If you would like to know more about PRACE SoHPC and my project, don’t forget to check out my blog! Stay safe and see you soon!

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26 comments on “Behold HPC Journey Of A Computer Engineering Student!
  1. Sibel says:

    I am looking forward to new posts to learn more! 🙂

  2. This sounds quite exciting and I wish I could take part to this programme too.
    Nonetheless, I’m pretty sure you, Buse, will do really good. I do wish you lots of success and happiness.

    • Busenur Aktilav says:

      Thank you so much! I will share another post about the application process soon. If you also want to be a part of PRACE SoHPC next year, you might want to follow my upcoming posts.

  3. Betül says:

    Exciting! I’m looking forward to.

  4. Musti says:

    I wish success in your journey Buse. Good luck.

  5. Elif says:

    Congratulations! 👏🏻 🤗 I feel it will be an inspiring adventure … I will follow your project and your new posts with great curiosity …

    • Busenur Aktilav says:

      Thank you! I will do my best to tell you about the project and what I experienced throughout the summer with SoHPC programme. See you soon!

  6. Senol says:

    Nice ptoject good luck…

  7. Arda Kazan says:

    You deserve to be congratulated for your hard work, honesty, and utmost dedication. Congrats and best wishes for a promising future!

  8. Aslı ÖZKAN says:

    I’m looking forward to read your experiences through your fluent informative blog!

    • Busenur Aktilav says:

      I am also looking forward to sharing more with you about my project, SoHPC and my experiences throughout the summer! I hope you enjoy it!

  9. Nusret eryaman says:

    Good luck

  10. Arda Samur says:

    Good luck

  11. İlkay Keser says:

    I wish the best for you!!

  12. Ziynet says:

    Great work! I am looking forward to hearing more about the project details.

    • Busenur Aktilav says:

      I am glad to hear that because I will be publishing posts where I explain the project in more detail. Therefore you might want to keep checking my posts!

  13. Erdal says:

    Nice ptoject good luck my friend 👍😉

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