bruno rodriguez carrillo

A bit about me
Hello everyone! My name is Bruno, and I am 27 years old . I did a bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City. Currently, I am in my second year of my master’s degree in computational science and engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and doing my internship at the Swiss Supercomputing Center (CSCS), Switzerland. The latter, in general terms, related to computing the tiled Cholesky factorization on a NVIDIA GPU using the computational power of the GPU efficiently.
My interest on the PRACE HPC program
Regarding my master’s studies, I have been taking courses from different fields such as molecular physics, data science, machine learning, and mathematics. I believe that by having and getting to know more areas, I would have much more tools to tackle a given problem. Similarly, I feel fascinated by how simple Monte Carlo methods are -they are basically a simple arithmetic mean- and how complicated they can become depending on what resources or information of the problem we have available. Fortunately, I have worked with Monte Carlo methods before and I am familiar with their advantages and disadvantages over other numerical schemes.
I am interested in participating in and collaborating with the project ‘Scaling HMC on large multi-CPU and/or multi-GPGPUs architectures’ during the PRACE Summer of HPC since I would like to learn how to and work on scaling and implementing Monte Carlo simulations on a GPU, and how an existing code can be tailored such that it can run on a GPU. Besides, this projects is aligned with two of my interests for my future career: scientific computing on GPUs and stochastic processes; hopefully a mix of both.
Goals for this project
My main goals for this project are to collaborate with and learn from my mentor and my teammates, to hand over a useful and well-done piece of code, and to fulfill what it is expected from this summer project. I am quite excited to work on this project and with my team, and will do my best to achieve valuable results.
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