Clément Richefort

Hi everyone, I am Clément Richefort, a 21 years old french enthusiastic in both High Performance Computing and Linear Algebra. I am studying at the Polytechnic Engineering School of the University of Lille, and now enrolled in the 2023 project organized by the Vienna Scientific Cluster (you obviously know my mentors Claudia and Irene if you attended the Summer of HPC training week). The Summer of HPC is a perfect match with my willingness to become a researcher in that field ! Indeed, as a graduated engineer in 2021, I would like to start a PhD related to these topics. Beyond HPC, I am deeply interested in science in general, literature and philosophy.
Even if I were supposed to see the Vienna Scientific Clusters 3 & 4 in real life, my place is still very pleasant to live in as you can see :

It is a bit frustrating to not be able to meet in real life with my mates and mentors because of the containment, but the online-program is well organized by the different hosts, so we still have a lot of fun and nice learning outcomes behind our webcams and slack accounts.
The project by itself seems really interesting since I only had some basic experience with distributed memory systems and pure MPI. I am eager to learn more about the combination of both MPI and OpenMP and then adapt the different codes I have already written into a context of hybrid programming : such as GMRES, Incomplete LU Factorization, etc.
Stay tuned for the news related to the project and my personal improvements !
GitHub Account :
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