Final Destination!

Hi for the last time! Welcome to my third and last post. If you haven’t read my other blog posts go check. In my last blog, I gave details about the project when we were in the middle of Project 2114. Today, I will talk about the results of the project and my experiences during the Summer of HPC Programme 2021.
As I am writing this, I am thinking about how fast the Summer of HPC Programme has passed. After two months of working on the project, I learned lots of things. But also I met amazing people. Before saying goodbye and thank everyone, let’s look at the results of our project.

After all of the routines were optimised, and we were satisfied with the efficiency of our code, we began comparing the original version and the optimised version.
As you can see from the screenshot above, the original code on the left and the version being optimised _v2 on the right. In _v2, we used multiple optimisation techniques. The final result’s distribution comes from the fact that the microbenchmark is being run multiple times. It helped more clear to see the comparison of the original version and version two.
The project aim was to reach the larger data sets that the Genomicper Package can handle and to be able to process existing data sets faster. Optimizations that worked faster with larger data sets were preferred to those that showed performance improvements only for the smaller data sets. As a result of the improvements, we have made genomicper package should be able to handle larger data sets faster. More importantly, we have introduced a methodology that should continue to improve the performance of the package in the near future. I am proud of what we did!
To wrap up, the Genomicper Package is an open source project that researchers can benefit from. Anyone who wants to take a look at the package go check here!
Saying Goodbye..
As I am at the beginning of my career, this project gave me a lot of opportunities. It allowed me to understand new optimization techniques, helped me to see the solution to real-life problems.
I would like to express my feelings. Thank you, PRACE, for this amazing opportunity. Thank you to my fellow PRACE summer of HPC teammate Aybüke Özçelik. Thank you to my project Mentor Dr. Mario Antonioletti, my Co-mentors Dr. Pau Navarro and Dr. Claudia Cabrera for their patience and interest. I learned a lot of things under their guidance. They helped all along the way, even it was online. Unfortunately, I didn’t come to see the beautiful Edinburgh and work with this team, because of the pandemic. I hope that maybe one day we will meet.
Last but not least thank you for reading this. I would like to say goodbye to this amazing programme for giving me the possibility to meet such amazing people and to improve myself.
Hope to see you on another journey!
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