Hate to cut this short

Hate to cut this short

Here we came to the end of the Summer of HPC. I would like to dedicate this post to explaining my experience and delivering our final product.

First, business

I talked previously about our project aim and what will be doing. Now, let me present our results. I am proud to say that we have successfully built a tool to decompose a mesh and fields for parallel execution faster than the existing tool, decomposePar. It performs twice as fast as decomposePar and gives the correct output. There is still a memory problem in the tool but due to time limitations, we were unable to solve that problem. Hopefully, that issue will be resolved in a later version and the tool will be ready!

The name of the program is parallelDecompose. It is open-source and anyone can read the source code and make adjustments to the code. We have written a report and recorded a video to present our findings. Although the report is not published yet, you can watch the presentation below:

Summer of HPC 2022, Presentation of Project 2207

A perfect summer

I cannot describe in words how grateful I am to be accepted into this program. Even though it was short and remote, I learned so many things that I could not learn by myself. The project was challenging but we overcame it.

I cannot finish this blog without acknowledging my mentor, Thibault Xavier. He started preparing us even before the official start of the Summer of HPC. He allocated time from his personal life and helped us whenever we have questions. He was encouraging and supportive. I am also grateful to have Mr. Xavier as my mentor.

Thank you so much to the PRACE Summer of HPC Team for organizing this program and enabling us students with this experience. I hope to meet you again sometime, adios!

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