Hello SoHPC! – About Me

Hello SoHPC! – About Me
The 'Apples & Atoms' sculpture, The School of Physics at Trinity College, Dublin. This sculpture was erected in honour of Ireland's first and only Physics Nobel Laureate, Ernest Walton. Copyright © School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin

Hi, my name is Cathal Maguire. I am a Physics & Astrophysics graduate from Dublin, Ireland. I obtained a First Class Honours Degree in Physics & Astrophysics from Trinity College Dublin in 2020. I am also a big soccer and gaelic football fan, however I’ll realistically watch any competitive sport.

As part of SoHPC 2020, I will be working on Project #2003 – ‘Visualization of Supernova Explosions in a Magnetised Inhomogeneous Ambient Environment’. This project will be completed under the supervision of Project Mentor Salvatore Orlando, in collaboration with my fellow Trinity classmate and friend, Seán McEntee.

Project #2003

Project #2003 was due to take place in the CINECA Computing Centre in Bologna, Italy. However, due to the Global COVID-19 Crisis, the Summer of HPC 2020 is being carried out remotely. Although I would have enjoyed the summer sunshine of Northern Italy, the wind and rain of West Dublin will have to suffice.

I have previous experience running MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic) computer simulations, such as that outlined in the project description. As part of my final year, I undertook a Research Project investigating the circumstellar environment of the red supergiant star Alpha Orionis (aka Betelgeuse), which was ultimately accompanied by a thesis titled: ‘What can radio emission tell us about the stellar winds of Alpha Orionis?’.

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37 comments on “Hello SoHPC! – About Me
  1. Tara Nolan says:


  2. Jason B says:

    goodluck to yourself and Sean with the project!

  3. Luke McStay says:

    All the best

  4. Naz says:

    This looks great. Interested to see how the project runs.

  5. Siobhan says:

    Wow so interest! Well done Cathal

  6. Ella Pacini says:


  7. Molly McStay says:

    Very good !!

  8. Daryl says:

    Sounds really interesting, Good Luck Cathal!

  9. hannah mc stay says:

    Best of luck Cathal!

  10. Aimee Leeson says:

    Best of Luck with the project Cathal! 😊

  11. Nicole says:

    Great read already! Looking forward to seeing where this goes!

  12. Nia says:

    Very cool, very swag, i like it

  13. Cormac Daly says:


  14. Chris G says:

    Look forward to seeing the project

  15. Carla says:

    Too bad you’re missing out on the summer sunshine of Northern Italy! Best of luck with the project

  16. Conor McQuillan says:

    This seems like a fascinating bit of work, can’t wait to see how you get on. Best of luck, not that you’ll need it!

  17. Martina says:

    Well done. Very interesting.

  18. Jennifer says:

    Wow! How interesting. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out

  19. Isobel says:

    Sounds interesting Cathal. The best of luck 👍

  20. Mary Mcstay says:

    Well done Cathal excellent project

  21. Stellar stuff Cathal …. YNWA

  22. John McStay says:

    Well done and well written, best of luck with the project.

  23. Aisling O'Toole says:

    Really interesting Cathal, well done!

  24. Martina and Gerry says:

    Well done. As they say in Italia buona fortuna

  25. Frank Murtagh says:

    Hi Cathal! Just noticed that the famous Una Monaghan qualified in astrophysics from qub. Fascinating subject and a fascinating journey she is having. What a career. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Úna_Monaghan

    See you soon

  26. Jamal says:

    What a interesting article quite nail biting abstract piece I will be keeping eyes on this research topic over the next while that’s for sure good look with it I’m sure intelligent persons like you will be able to withhold the challenges a research project brings.

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