In Situ VIsualizzation of NAvier-Stokes Tornado Effect

In Situ VIsualizzation of NAvier-Stokes Tornado Effect

Project reference: 1608

The starting point of this work is the numerical study of a particular class of solutions of the 3d incompressible Navier-Stokes equations suggested by the theoretical work of Li and Sinai who proved the existence of a blow up for complex-valued solutions with suitable initial data.

These mathematical models have a very wide range of physical applications: Tornado, aerodynamic turbulence, … To find the best initial data and to understand the mechanism of the blow-up, it is important to visualize the evolution of the energy on the different points of the grid.

Furthermore, in order to optimize the resources (core hours budget) it is important to provide early (visual) feedback on the evolution of some significant numerical observables ( Energy, Vorticity, Flow pattern), the use of a real time visualization infrastructure can be very useful.
Our project consists in the implementation of PARAVIEW-CATALYST library in the BlowUpNS code, in order to make possible the real time visualization of some important turbulent phenomena.


Project Mentor: Sandro Frigio

Site Co-ordinator: Massimiliano Guarrasi

Student: Anurag Dogra

Learning Outcomes:
Increase student’s skills about:

  • MPI
  • OpenMP (if necessary)
  • 2Decomp&FFT library
  • Pre-processor directives
  • Managing resources on Tier-0 and Tier-1 systems
  • Batch scheduler (PBS)
  • Remote visualization
  • Web visualization of scientific data (ParaViewWeb)
  • Video and 3D editing (Blender

Student Prerequisites (compulsory): 
Knowledge of:

  • Python : strong
  • ParaView : good
  • Fortran : good
  • MPI : sufficient

Student Prerequisites (desirable): 
Knowledge of:

  • Navier Stokes equations
  • DNS
  • Blender
  • Degree in mathematic
  • Pre-processor directives
  • ParaView CATALYST

Training Materials:

Week 1: Common Training session
Week 2: Introduction to CINECA systems, small tutorials on parallel visualization and detailed work planning.
Week 3: Start the work on the code. Deliver final workplan at the end of week.
Week 4, 5, 6: Production phase (The code will be instrumented and tested).
Week 7: Final stage of production phase. Preparation of the final movie.
Week 8: Finishing the final movie. Write the final Report.

Final Product Description: 
The purpose of this project is to modify the BlowUp NS code in order to use the PARAVIEW_CATALYST library for in-situ interactive visualization. Our final product will be an instrumented version of the code, a visualization scripts as well as a movie illustrating the use and the results obtained during this 2 months work period. Also a small report on the work done will be produced.

Adapting the Project: Increasing the Difficulty:
If we will have enough time we will try to use the web interface of ParaView (ParaViewWeb) to visualize all the graphical outputs of the new version of the BlowUpNS code.

A part from the BlowUp NS code that is owned by the mentor and will be provided in source form under a non-disclosure agreement, all other needed software ( ParaView and Blender ) is released open source and already available on the CINECA clusters that will be used by the students with their own provided accounts.


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