I’ve been interviewed!

I’ve been interviewed!

Hello everybody!

It’s already august. This summer  is going by really quickly. We have already worked a lot, but there are still many things to do till the end of of this month!

About myself and about Slovenia, almost nothing has changed since the last post. Ljubljana is still wonderful and Slovenia is still fantastic. The more places I visit, the more I like it.

Slovenia is full of beautiful caves!

The weather is not so hot and everything is really green. Also, the people in the faculty here are very friendly, and it’s always nice to work with them.

About my project, we have already created not only a Plugin for Paraview, but also a tool that makes very easy to create those plugins! We have also managed to do everything in Python, which has some advantages in relation to the “traditional” C++ way:

Comparative scheme between the C++ way” and the “Python Way” to create a plugin for ParaView.

With this Plugin, we can easily take data from ITER’s so called IMAS database and play with it. For example, we can actually extract the information about some quantities such as temperature or magnetic strength and plot them in the grid, or  study the evolution of the dataset with time.

A simple animation that shows the evolution of Magnetic field in the ITER’s vacuum vessel during a shot, loaded with our Plugin

We will continue upgrading the plugin and adding more features to it in the following days. Making things easier is not an easy task!

If you want more information, I’ve been recently interviewed about this project in a funny TV show that actually does not exist. The following video contains the full interview. Enjoy!

Hello everyone! I'm Mario. I study Physics and play electric bass. My full name is Mario González Carpintero. I live and study in Oviedo (a beautiful small city in the north of Spain). I'm twenty years old, and next year I will finish my degree. My interest in HPC comes from my interest in Computational Physics. I have always included different kinds of visualizations and simulations for my projects in university, but as the problem's size grows up, things become more and more interesting! That's the reason why I applied for SoHPC. Combine in this way computation and physics is pretty pretty good! As for me, I consider myself a calm, happy person. I never argue with anyone and I always try to see the good side of things, no matter how bad may seem to be. I have always lived in Spain, but I do not see myself working there in the future. Just because I love traveling. The world is really big and every single country or culture is unique. I also love drawing, playing bass, cycling, studying languages, everything related to nature and cooking. I really love cooking. Thank you for reading me, Stay happy! Mario

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One comment on “I’ve been interviewed!
  1. Marcin Paweł Konieczny says:

    Who is conducting the interview? I do not know this guy.

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