Last but not least
As you can see from the title this will be the last blog I wrote.SoHpc 2020, each day of which is an adventure, is coming to an end.Let’s take a look at what happened in the last week.Fasten your seatbelts !
Project Presentations
Our meeting, held every Tuesday, was different in the last week.Normally, each group explains what they did and what they planned that week,this week each group shared their video presentations.After each presentation, the questions asked were answered and we saw what everyone was doing all summer.There were very interesting presentations and topics.If you want to watch these presentations, you can access them from the link below.If you comment on the 21st video, I can give you information about the topics you are curious about 🙂
Online Travel is ending…

It was fun to meet and work with people from around the world, even online.That’s why I’m already excited for Sohpc 2021.If you want to join this adventure, I recommend that you do not miss the application deadlines also if you want to learn more about our projects, you can take a look at the 2020 reports!
If you want to reach me, you can write to my Linkedin profile.I wish you all healthy and successful days !

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