Mustafa Emre Şahin

Mustafa Emre Şahin

Hello dear passengers, greetings from the beautiful city of Bologna!
I am Emre from Turkey.

I will be your guide along the SoHPC 2019 journey with my topic “Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deep Learning Methods for Matrix Computation on Advanced Architectures” at the STFC Hartree Centre, Daresbury, UK.

Before the fancy parts of the project,
      Let me tell you about my story…

I was just a simple Electronics and Communication Engineering student at İzmir Institute of Technology.
      Until I met with some ancient words:

Fortune favors the bold.

-Latin Proverb

I started to ask myself “Why shouldn’t we / I?”,
   Then we just started to help the village children that were in need.
                    Also, we started the green campus project to protect the environment.

“Small things can change the world!”

One day, I just asked that “Why shouldn’t I take the courses that I like from the Computer Science Department?” and my life has completely changed after I met with Deep Learning and High-Performance Computing.

This is a simulation example of my grad. project about autonomous drones with a monocular camera to detect specific objects in a given route (left). In order to avoid obstacles in the route, the depth is estimated from monocular images (right) with special deep neural networks and the depth information in the specified box area given as inputs for a deep reinforcement learning network. Without the power of the HPC, the calculation time of the steps would be so long. (Special thanks to my project partners Erman and Burak. The simulation environment made in the Unity with the help of my friend Çağdaş).

Even microseconds are enough to save or lose a life, so that is why High-Performance Computing is important for me.

Obliviously, the last question was “Why shouldn’t I apply for SoHPC?” and, the fortune favored me.
                         BOOM! I was at Bologna, CINECA. A dream came true!

In the first days of CINECA journey,   
Besides learning new things while using the supercomputer,
And eating fancy Italian food,            

Delicious Pizza and Pasta of Bologna

            The best part of the SoHPC is meeting with cool people and,
                     Having new awesome friendships around the world.

Very first selfie of the group
Me, Jordy, Thizirie and Davide on the Bologna streets.

What you see is the only tip of the Iceberg.

Of course, tedious problems may happen in life, but never forget to:

“Get up, stand up and, don’t give up the fight!”

-Bob Marley

That’s all folks!
Hope to see you in the next post!
Don’t forget to check all of my friends’ posts, I believe you will enjoy them.

To be continued...

From playing games in his childhood to developing his own game, the journey of designing and programming became a passion for him. While studying Electronics and Communication Engineering, exploring new computer science areas with successful projects encouraged him to be a part of cutting-edge technologies by combining academic knowledge with the industry. Also, he is interested in Olive and Mastic Trees, Green Technologies, Repairing and Recycling. In his free time, he loves to learn and practice tango, lute, clarinet, talk about philosophy.

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2 comments on “Mustafa Emre Şahin
  1. Chuck Bouillon says:

    Awesome! You guys will change the world for sure.

  2. Şilan Mete says:

    I congratulate you for being part of a great program.
    Good luck.

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