Sergio M. Afonso Fumero

Sergio is a student coming from Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands in Spain. He just obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of La Laguna, in which he majored in Computer Science specialization. He is mostly interested in compilers, HPC, and artificial intelligence.
This summer he will be working in the Czech Republic’s National Supercomputing Center IT4Innovations, located in Ostrava. His SoHPC project is about the development of a workflow for parallel modelling of the Wi-Fi signal propagation in buildings using the boundary element method (BEM).
In the last year, Sergio has been working on various projects. From these projects, the ones that are most related to HPC are, the development of a web-based dynamic, interactive tool for the motorization of the Infiniband network of the supercomputer TeideHPC, the extension of the Paralldroid compiler for the automatic generation of the OpenCL, and Java and C code needed to run GPU-accelerated parallel code from an annotated Java program resembling an OpenMP program.
He is a very proactive student that is always working on side-projects that he shares freely as Open Software through his GitHub profile. From this summer to the end of the year he will also be collaborating with a professor from his University to use one of his projects (MazeSolver) in the teaching of a course in Intelligent Systems.
His hobbies are listening to music and playing the electric guitar and drums. He likes to listen and play Hardcore Punk, Groove Metal, Crust Punk, Mathcore and Sludge Metal, among other music genres.
To contact him, just connect with him on LinkedIn.
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