Visualising Large OpenFOAM Models using Paraview
Location: Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC), Dublin, Ireland
Project Abstract:
The use of HPC resources is allowing for finer resolutions in CFD simulations, which, in turn, produce larger and larger datasets. Such datasets cannot be easily visualised on desktop workstations and in numerous cases, cannot be visualised on the machines they were produced on. This is a memory issue.
This project aims to address such an issue specifically with OpenFOAM. OF’s does not have its own gui so exports its data to a format that can be read by Paraview.
This project contains two potential solutions. Either altering the method OF exports to include specific flags identifying the desired data or visualising it on a dedicated cluster – this would tie in nicely with a previous project at ICHEC.
Project Mentor: Paul Nolan
Site Co-ordinator: Simon Wong
Learning Outcomes:
The student will gain experience in:
- Utilizing HPC resources for visualisations
The student will become proficient with
- OpenFOAM software
- Paraview software
Student Prerequisites (Compulsory):
- Basic linux skills
- Elementary knowledge of parallel computing
Student Prerequisites (Desirable):
- Experience with Paraview and OpenFOAM.
- C / C++ / Fortran programming
- Text editors
- Knowledge of basic laws of Fluid Mechanics.
Training Materials:
Project Application Reference: Ireland – ICHEC – Visualising OpenFOAM Models
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