Stavros Dimou

Stavros Dimou

About me.

My name is Stavros Dimou and I am 22 years old. I was born in Volos, Greece and I am currently a fourth year student at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University Of Thessaly. From a young age I have always been interested in engineering and technology as well as making things work the best way possible. Being guided by my professors I learned many important facts about working and being an engineer and as the years passed I discovered differents paths of engineering and got really interested into High Performance Computing, Networking and Distributed Systems.

My involvement with SoHPC.

A few months ago after finishing the High Performance Computing course of our department, our professor informed us about this internship program. Since I really enjoyed the course, this was a really big opportunity for me to get involved even further with HPC. Thankfully i got accepted and joined my first choice project which was 2207, Assessment of the parallel performances of permaFoam up to the tens of thousands of cores and new architectures, which I find really interesting for a lot of reasons, but mainly about it’s environmental purpose combined with HPC.

Expectations and goals.

As this project is closely associated with PRACE I am sure that I will be able to learn a lot about high performance computing and parallel programming in general. I also expect to get the chance to be able to run my programs on a supercomputer which would be amazing.

As for my goals, I intend to enhance my knowledge on HPC and to make the most out of the program. Hopefully i will be able to get some interesting results at the end, and also solve the main problem that is associated with the project.

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