The end of the journey to detect anomaly

After two months of daily meetings and work with my collueges, we are at the end of the project. These months, I learned a lot about supercomputers and machine learning. It was a really great experience for me to get familiar with challenges and use my theoretical knowledge in a real-world experience. I have had the opportunity to work on Cineca and I am so grateful for that.
I had some experiences with big data and deep learning projects, it was my first time using this knowledge for detecting anomalies. Our daily meetings were so informative and useful. Machine learning and deep learning were my more interesting courses during my master’s. I always loved to use them for a real-world project and this summer was my opportunity to use them.
In summary, my task was optimizing a new deep learning model for detecting anomalies. Here is the final presentation video so you can take a look at it:
I will save my contact with my new friends from summer school even I could find this chance to visit CINECA in person.
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