What is Next??

What is Next??

A video of my work is published on the Youtube. For anyone who is interested, it can also be viewed here.

The details of my project can be found in this github repository, https://github.com/ljchan1/SoHPC_19. Also, a magazine will be published by PRACE and will be consisted of a brief report of this project.

Now, I am back in Malaysia. Looking back, it is definitely an experience worthwhile. My site coordinator was satisfied with my performance and have offered me to apply for a permanent job in CINECA. Therefore, I may be back to Bologna in the very near future. Therefore, this summer of HPC program can even land me a very exciting job. The experience and friendship I gained from this program are definitely priceless.

Another side benefit of this program is I am able to publish my own scientific paper. My supervisor told me that I can publish the result of my research in OpenFOAM conference next year. This is definitely a plus in my cv as it can help me to secure funding for my future PhD program.

Last but not least, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my site coordinator, Simone Bnà for providing me the guidance and advice throughout the project. Without his supervision, this project would never reach as far as it has. Furthermore, I would also like to thank PRACE for sponsoring me to work in CINECA.

This program just make me like supercomputer more.

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