Introduction and a cake quiz

Introduction and a cake quiz

Hi all,
this summer I am doing the “Summer of HPC” programme. In this blog, I want to share my experiences and thoughts with you. But first, let me introduce myself:


Handstand with new T-Shirt
Me, doing a handstand with the new “Summer of HPC” T-shirt

My name is Miriam and I am 28 years old. Until 2018 I have studied Mathematics. After that, I started working as a software engineer. While I enjoyed the programming part of my work, I wanted to learn more about the theory and applications of Computer Science. Therefore, I decided to do my Masters in Computer Science which I am currently pursuing at the University of Edinburgh.

In my leisure time, I love doing sports, gardening, cuddling my cat and baking cakes.


High-performance computing (HPC) combines my interests in Computer Science and Natural Sciences due to its wide range of applications. What I particularly like about HPC is that it is often necessary to use advanced programming and software engineering techniques and that it is therefore closely related to research.

The Summer of HPC programme is a combination of HPC training and practical work. I am very enthusiastic about increasing my knowledge in high-performance computing and getting practical experience in applying this knowledge to real-world problems. Therefore, when I initially heard from the Summer of HPC programme I knew immediately that I want to apply for this programme. I am very pleased that my application was successful and I am very excited about what I will learn during this summer.

First training week

The first training week covered the usage of Python in HPC, OpenMP, and MPI. What I enjoyed most during this week was the mixture of theory and practice. In this way, the learning outcome was accordingly high.

From next week on, I will be working on the project “HPC Implementation of Molecular Surfaces”, organised by the VSC Research Center in Vienna (
I am looking forward to all the experience and insights I will gain during the next two months!

Finally – a small quiz for you

To keep my brain working during the first week, I definitely needed enough cake!
So that not only I benefit from this cake, I implemented a small rebus ( for you on it (see the picture below).

Can you guess what I have “written” on the cake? You are welcome to comment below if you found a solution. If it is too difficult I can also provide some tips.

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