Air Pollution Models

Visualization of air pollution models using volumetric rendering

Location: Technical University of Ostrava (VBS), Ostrava, Czech Republic

Project Abstract:

This project addresses an issue of visualizing results of a new air pollution model which is under development at our university. We expect that simulations of air pollution models will be very large and hardware demanding, and therefore, the usage of HPC capabilities will be necessary.

The task of developing a new diffusion and flow model is very challenging and having suitable supporting tools could became as important as the model itself. For this reason, we have been tasked to prepare an interactive tool for visualization of simulation results.

An example of volumetric rendering result used for visualization of contaminant plumes (Credit: CTECH Development Corporation)

An example of volumetric rendering result used for visualization of contaminant plumes (Credit: CTECH Development Corporation)

Project Mentor: Dušan Fedorčák
Site Co-ordinator:David Horák

Learning Outcomes:

Student will gain experience in:

  • Scientific visualization in general
  • Using and managing a visualization server (ParaView)
  • Software design and analysis (as we expect close collaboration with model developers)
  • Volumetric rendering techniques and algorithms
  • Implementation of an interactive OpenGL application
  • Programming the graphic pipeline using a shader language

Student Prerequisites (Compulsory):

  • Good programming skills (at least in one high level programming language such as Java, C# or C++)
  • Elementary knowledge of computer graphics

Student Prerequisites (Desirable):

  • Experience with ParaView or OpenGL (GLSL)
  • Python programming skills
  • Math skills (vector math)

Training Materials:

ParaView –
OpenGL –

Project Application Reference: Czech Rep. – VSB – Air Pollution Models

Applications are now closed

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