Paolo Grossi

Paolo is 23 years old and comes from Italy. He graduated some months ago with a Bachelor in Computer Science from University of Parma. He heard about the Summer of HPC thanks to his brother and he was delighted to discover that he has been selected for the programme. He can now spend two months abroad and to collaborate in a SoHPC project.
Currently he is deciding about the future of his academic path; he is orientated towards a Masters in Business Informatics at the University of Pisa, but “who knows what will the future hold”, he says. Ever since high school he has showed a passion towards programming and mathematics, so this is the reason he chose to follow these field of studies.
He loves traveling with his friends and his girlfriend Viola. Besides sightseeing city attractions (such as museums, parks, and churches) he pays particular attention to local culture and traditions.
For the SoHPC he has been selected to work on a project hosted by ICHEC, in Dublin. His task will be to extend the DL_POLY_4 library, which is heavily used in molecular dynamics simulation, in order to enable real-time 3D visualization. He is looking forward to working on the project since he only caught a glimpse of this topic during his studies. He hopes to further improve his knowledge.
From the SoHPC experience, he expects to meet new persons coming from different countries, in order to share with them his passions and dreams. He wants to improve day by day, keep a good attitude, and be positive, while having fun.
He says that maybe HPC and his life track will intersect again. Who knows… after all we are allowed to dream, right?
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