Anthony Bourached

Anthony Bourached

DSC00050 Anthony Bourached is from Dublin, Ireland. He is spending this summer at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre, Ostrava, Czech Republic. He  will be working on the real time (In Situ) visualisation of ESPRESO solver using  Paraview Catalyst.

He is 22-years-old and has recently completed his undergraduate studies in Theoretical Physics at Trinity College Dublin. The main focus of his final year of  study was driven by an enthusiasm for mathematical modelling. His thesis explored  the relative efficiency of different Monte Carlo simulations in the 2d Ising model.  His programming skills and understanding of computation physics, mathematical  modelling, and scientific data analysis developed dramatically during this time and  he looked for involvement in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC).

Anthony first heard of PRACE and the Summer of HPC program through Ireland’s Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC). He saw applying as a good opportunity to expand into the rapidly advancing field of HPC and was delighted to be accepted. “I believe that studying High Performance Computing (HPC) will merge my passion for programming and mathematical modelling.” Anthony described the task ahead of him as “Thrilling” and explained that “…when dealing with massive simulations we have data output that will be too large to effectively store and reuse which makes the use of co-processing vital to the development of HPC.”

Anthony is going to Edinburgh in September to begin his masters degree in HPC and sees the Summer of HPC as “great preparation for the challenges that lie ahead.”

Anthony has a broad interest in activities. He likes to exercise regularly usually by running or swimming. He also has a keen interest in chess had a large presence in the Trinity Chess society over the course of his four years studying there, including holding the position of chairperson in his final year.

Anthony hopes to share interesting developments in his project through his facebook page and this blog over the next two months. He also has a personal webpage  that he hopes to complete in the near future.


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